Please note: Telephone conversations may be recorded to help ensure quality. Recordings may be used for training and monitoring. However, this will not compromise patient confidentiality.
askmyGP is the prefered method of booking appointment. Click HERE or the image above.
If you have several problems to discuss please ask to book a double appointment.
There are several types of appointment available...
Routine - Bookable up to 4 weeks in advance. Approximately 40% of our appointments can be booked in advance.
On the day - These appointments are available on the day from when the doors open i.e. 8.00 am.
Telephone Consultations - Telephone consultations are available everyday, should the health care professional be unable to deal with your problem over the phone, provision will be made to see you face-to-face.
IMPORTANT - If you are cancelling an appointment you MUST give 48 hours notice (excluding weekends and bank holidays). Otherwise you should contact the Surgery by telephone in the usual manner.
Home Visits
If you are too ill to come to the Surgery, a home visit can be arranged. Please ring before 10.00 am for all routine visits. All other requests for visits will be directed through to that day’s home visiting doctor who may choose to ring you first. Wherever possible, we ask you to try to come to the Surgery.
New Patient Registration
Application forms can be obtained from the medical centre reception.
To register we need the following forms of ID...
This can be a passport, driving license or birth certificate along with a utility bill to confirm address. Please also bring along the originals as they may need to be inspected.
Medical treatment is available from the date of registration. Please contact reception for further information.